Installation Instructions for Mac

Installing Panopto for Macs

Before you begin, make sure that you have enough disk space, because the recordings require a lot of disk space before uploading to the network.

System requirements

Operating System- MacOS 10.13 or higher.  Older versions are supported, but Panopto version must be selected according to the table in this link

Processor- We recommend Intel i3 processors for standard recording quality and Intel i7 processors for high recording quality. The software is not supported on computers with 32-bit processors

Memory- 4 GB RAM

Storage space-

Standard quality: about 270 MB per recording hour

High quality: about 540 MB per recording hour.


       sign in

       Panopto Recorder

  1.  In Moodle, login to one of the courses that you are teaching

  2. On the side, there is a Panopto block with a link to download the program

          download mac installer 

  1.  Run the file that you downloaded (Panopto.pkg) and start the installation process.

  2. Next, install the path to install the software, and the path to save the recordings (as noted – please make sure that your computer has enough storage space to record). Now click the Continue, Next, Install buttons at the bottom of the window according to the installation steps.

  3.  On some versions of MacOS, you will receive the following warning:ok message

  4.  Click OK to allow the Panopto to upload recordings to the network.

  5.  When you first log into Panopto, select Sign in
    [screen shot]

  6.  You will then be presented with an Internet Window with a pop-up window where you should select open link, with Panopto Recorder selected.

  7.  If you are not registered, a registration window will open. Select the HUJI MOODLE selection tab, click OK, and you can now open Panopto.