View Survey results

Response percentages:

During the survey, responses to each course and teacher are updated immediately. Teachers can expect to respond at any rate to the courses they teach.

To view the percentage of responses (Academic Staff only)

To view the percentage of response  (Administrative Staff only)

Survey Results:

The results of a teaching assessment survey are published only to the academic staff and administrative staff after the publication of grades A for students.

The results are forwarded to the lecturer (s) and to the competent authorities at the university (the rector of the university, heads of academic units).

Faculty deans will be able to view any evaluations at the faculty. Heads of departments will be able to observe all the evaluations of the department. Lecturers and practitioners will be able to view their personal evaluations only.

For instructions and beyond viewing the results for the teaching staff (through the director of the Tel-Teacher System)

To view the results for the teaching staff

To view the results for the administrative staff 

After publication of the results to the teaching staff, the results are published in the university yearbook and can be viewed by the students and staff of the university employees, provided that the response rate in the course was at least 40%. The verbal notes are not published. Students can use the results of the survey when choosing the courses they wish to study.

Students can view the results of the survey by entering a course name or symbol or by entering a teacher's name.

For any questions or problems, please contact the Support Center (with ID no .: