Integrating Presentations into Teaching

2nd semester , Sunday 11:45

About the Workshop

Presentations have become a central tool in teaching and presenting ideas to an audience, although often they are not lack of problems: they are too long, sometimes full of text, visually overloaded, boring, and distract from the main and most important thing: do they succeed in imparting the intended message?

Using digital presentations in a lecture greatly helps pass on information but is also beset by pitfalls. The presentations enable us to transfer material clearly and save time, although the incorrect use of a presentation leads to a lack of connection with students and visual overload. In this workshop, we will present ways to organize the lecture, we will learn how to pass on ideas and messages in an effective and organized manner, and how to build a clear presentation.

Learning Outcomes

Following this workshop you will be able to improve and re-design your presentations so that they will be intriguing and through-provoking. You will become acquainted with additional platforms for presenting materials in the classroom.

Additional Information:

It is recommended that you bring to the workshop a personal presentation that you would like to work on.



Workshop facilitator: Dr. Michal Ramot 

Integrating Presentations into Teaching