Teaching in a Multicultural Classroom – Students From Minority Groups

Summer course Semester, Sunday 11:00

About the Workshop

At the Hebrew University, Jewish and Arab students learn side by side, as do ultraorthodox, religious, and secular students, new immigrants and native Israelis.
Teaching a heterogenous class is a source of wealth and mutual fertility, but also demands attention to the disparities between the various students and their needs.

The aim of this workshop is to help participants understand the needs and challenges of students from various groups and to discuss the tools for tackling them. The workshop will discuss the disparities arising from differences in learning habits, knowledge, and cultural background, with an emphasis on students who are the first generation to receive higher education. We will discuss the meaning of a heterogenous class from the perspective of classroom management and relations between students.

Learning Outcomes:

The tools that you will acquire in this workshop will help you to make the classroom a place of multi-cultural encounter and enable every student to integrate and maximize his/her personal abilities.

Additional Information:

The workshop is planned in cooperation with the Center for the Study of Multiculturalism and Diversity at the university.



Workshop Facilitators:Dr. Michal Ramot & Michal Barak