About the Workshop
Modern day courses suited to teaching in the twenty-first century are characterized by frequent, consistent assignments and exetensive feedback to students. Therefore, the role of the TA is critical in affecting the quality of the course and the students’ learning. The aim of this workshop is to prepare TAs for their role, in particular how to give feedback to students about their work, orally or in writing. In this workshop will analyze dilemmas arising from this, simulate various situations with students, and present relevant examples.
Learning Outcomes:
Participants will:
- Improve (through simulations) the ability to deal with various approaches by students, identifying the need motivating the approach.
- Know how to give effective written feedback for assignments.
- Learn (through simulations) how to prepare a conversation for returning assignments to groups of students.
Additional Information:
Zoom version is 3 hours long
Workshop Facilitator:Dr. Michal Schodl