About the Workshop
What would you like to learn about motivation? How to generate enthusiasm among the students? How to get them to make an effort? How to make sure that students come to classes? In this workshop we will deal with common motivational problems and present some knoledge-based ways to solve them.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of the workshop the participants will:
- Be acquainted with seven different means to increase attendance (including examples of the ways they will be implemented by various lecturers).
- Be able to list six different things that present an obstacle to students making an effort.
- Know how to implement strategies for tackling obstacles to effort (we will practice them during the workshops).
- Know how to use the skill of reframing in order to respond to a student’s complaint which offers an opportunity to strengthen his/her motivation.
Additional Information:
The workshop combines theoretical learning with experiential practice, including a brief presentation of current theoretical concepts in the study of motivation.
The workshop is between the hours 9.00 and 13.30.
Maximum no. of participants: 18
Workshop Facilitator:Dr. Michal Schodl