About the Workshop
This workshop in test-writing is made up of four lectures, during which the lecturers are asked to participate, comment, and contribute, and an active segment during which the teachers practice implementing the principles taught in the lectures.
The day begins with an introductory lecture about tests: the important characteristics of a “good” test, the central principles that should be maintained while phrasing questions and writing an entire test. This lecture is followed by two further lectures focusing on the two types of questions most commonly used in tests – multiple choice and open questions.
Workshop Facilitator:
National Center for Exams and Assessment
Each one of the lectures outlines the principles of phrasing good questions using examples brought by the workshop participants. From these we will derive concrete “tips” intended to facilitate the implementation of the principles taught. The last lecture deals with constructing an entire test, its content, the number of questions and requirements, types of questions etc., and other important topics relating to an entire test.
Additional Information:
Participants in the workshop are asked to send examples of tests they have written
It is intended for teaching staff occupied with writing tests.